Support for scene name input from an index file or xattr

1 votes

It would be nice to be able to take advantage of Bazarr's features for curated media libraries not currently relying on Radarr/Sonarr for renaming, such as Filebot or even manually renamed media.

Sub-Zero currently does a good job of providing options for some users in several ways:
Support for Filebot xattr, i.e. using `attr -qg net.filebot.filename <media file>` to retrieve the scene name automatically provided by Filebot on supported filesystems.
Support for Filebot external 'fake' xattr for filesystems that don't support xattr, optionally provided by Filebot in a file in the media directory folder of the form ".xattr/<new filename>/net.filebot.filename"
A very similar system offered by Sub-Zero using file_info index files, as described here:

Regardless if any/all of these options are implemented, it would then at least be possible to provide the scene name manually/scripted into postprocessing of media

Under consideration Suggested by: Brando47 Upvoted: 29 May, '20 Comments: 0

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